Brand: Thinkware

Product Code: TWA-SH

Availability:In stock

$ 29.99 $ 39.99 29.99
This hardwire kit is compatible with Thinkware F50, Thinkware X550, Thinkware F750, Thinkware F770, Thinkware F800 and Thinkware F800 Pro dash cams. It allows the units to be constantly powered for/while in parking mode. 
  • Connect yellow to a constant fuse, red to an ignition switched/ACC fuse, and black to a ground
  • Voltage cutoff/timer settings can be configured through the WiFi app for Android/iOS devices

Visit our Dash Cam Installation Guides for more information on how to install the Thinkware Hardwire Kit.

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 8 reviews
      Martin S.
      Familiarity: I've used it several times
      Tech Savvy Level: Above Average
      Usage: Personal
      Let’s start from the beginning:

      Let’s start from the beginning: Shopping in the store went smoothly, and the shipping process was flawless. DHL had questions regarding customs clearance, as the shipment included multiple boxes, but only one item was listed with a declared value. However, this was easily resolved via email. The delivery was as uneventful as expected.

      The product arrived safely and undamaged. The camera is surprisingly small and handy. Setting it up was very straightforward, as was handling the battery. Things became a bit tricky during the fixed installation.

      As a permanently installed component with its own fuse and a separate cable to the battery, the installation was more challenging than anticipated—though this was more due to the vehicle than the camera.

      One small detail: The German manual doesn’t clearly explain the exact difference between the "Bat. " and "EXT" inputs.

      Other than that, everything worked well, and the camera has been operating flawlessly so far.

      Michael W.
      Familiarity: I've used it several times
      Tech Savvy Level: Advanced
      Usage: Personal
      Replacement for the new car

      Had an F200 in my old car and didn't want to remove the cables.. this was an easy way to transfer my dashcam to the new car

      Shaka L.
      Familiarity: I've used it several times
      Tech Savvy Level: Above Average
      Usage: Business
      Very good quality and reliability.

      Very good quality and reliability.

      Brendan C.
      Familiarity: I've used it once or twice
      Tech Savvy Level: Average
      Usage: Personal
      Thinkware Dashcam

      Really liked the features of the think ware Dashcam and the ease of purchasing at the Dashcam Store

      Daniel C.
      Familiarity: I've used it once or twice
      Tech Savvy Level: Advanced
      Usage: Personal
      Worked as expected.

      Worked as expected.

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